Last Daily Global Anomalies Update: 20-11-23 16h

Bericht van: Luc (Recht) , 20-11-2023 15:58 

Last Daily Global Anomalies

Update: 20-11-23 16h 


CLIMATE REANALYZER-GFS (BASE: 1979-2000) : +1.19° (over the last 33 years)

NCAR/NCEP T62 reanalysis  (BASE: 1981-2010):  +0.97°   (over the last 28 years) 

NASA-GISS (BASE: 1951-1980) :  +1.47° (over the last 58 years)

CENTURY NORMAL (BASE: 1901-2000) :  +1.42° (over the last 73 years)

NASA since 1880  : +1.1° (over the last 143 years) 


CDAS, Command & Data Aquisition Stations (BASE: 1981-2010): +0.38° (over the last 27 years)  

(EL NINO is active in the easterly tropical part of the Pacific Ocean) 

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Last Daily Global Anomalies Update: 20-11-23 16h   ( 70)
Luc (Recht) ( 455m) -- 20-11-2023 15:58